by canythould43 . Updated: 2 years

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Debitum Network strives to function as a platform that offers financing for small businesses without borders, and is set to use a powerful and dynamic tool, like a block system, to ensure security and distribution of investments in the SME environment.
Debitum Network acts as a marketplace for factoring and P2B loans for credit institutions such as Debifo, Monify or Credital , originators from Lithuania and Latvia that we have seen in some other marketplaces such as Mintos.<br /><br />The main attraction and differentiation of its proposal is its specialization in short-term assets and its commitment to safer investment options such as invoices.
The registration is open to citizens of any nationality.
Debitum Network is a marketplace of loans in the fund very similar to other platforms such as Mintos, Grupeer, Viainvest, etc. In the ASSET LIST tab we will see a list of operations to invest (mainly crowdfactoring and loans to P2B companies).
Since December 2018, Debitum Network has a very easy to configure Autoinvert, similar to other European crowdlending platforms.
At the end of January 4311 users have registered and activated their accounts compared to 4071 in the previous month.
The growth of the deposit in January was like the previous months. In January 275,618 Euros were deposited by users. Hence, the total deposits rose from 1,960,009 Euros in December to 2,235,627 Euros.
For the sixth month in a row, Debitum Network platform originated loans worth more than a million Euros. At the end of January, 1,147,538 million worth of Euros were achieved on the platform.
In January, a sum of 1,237,175 Euros was invested in Debitum Network. This is the third time in a row that more than 1 million Euros have been invested in a month. In terms of the amount invested.
Investors could invest in the assets from 8 industries in January. Debitum Network expects to increase the number to 15 with the onboarding of new loan originators.