Moncera Review: Peer to Peer Lending

Moncera is a small P2P lending marketplace that lists loans from the finance group Placet Group. Currently, over 3,700 investors are investing in loans from five lenders in Estonia and Lithuania. A 30-day or 60-day buyback guarantee secures your investment, and you will earn around 10.4% interest per year.

  • canythould43
  • lama carole
Moncera Review: Peer to Peer Lending
  • canythould43
    While the buyback guarantee is being honored, active investors who invested in Moncera's real estate projects reported that the buyback guarantee isn'
    733 days ago
  • lama carole
    Hallo Herr/Frau

    Ich bin eine Finanzgeschäftsfrau, die Ihnen einen schnellen Kredit geben kann. Dies ist ein sehr seriöser und schneller Geldkredit mit einem sehr günstigen Zinssatz, mit dem Sie alle Ihre Geldprobleme lösen können
    Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte unter meiner E-Mail-Adresse:
    181 days ago
  • lama carole
    Hallo Herr/Frau

    Ich bin eine Finanzgeschäftsfrau, die Ihnen einen schnellen Kredit geben kann. Dies ist ein sehr seriöser und schneller Geldkredit mit einem sehr günstigen Zinssatz, mit dem Sie alle Ihre Geldprobleme lösen können
    Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte unter meiner E-Mail-Adresse:
    181 days ago
  • canythould43
    Moncera‘s auto-invest used to be only available for consumer loans. However, it’s now possible to configure it to invest in either or both loans kinds. It’s extremely easy to configure. The available filters are the same as when investing manually. In addition, it’s necessary to indicate the target portfolio size, the maximum investment in a single loan, and enable or disable automatic reinvesting. Finally, for real-estate loans, it’s possible to configure the schedule type, maximal LTV, presence of a buyback guarantee and mortgage rank.
    719 days ago
  • canythould43
    One of the most competitive and popular features of Moncera is the "One Click Exit" option for loans. In spite of the absence of a secondary market, investors can sell a loan at any time instantly. If you exit the loan very quickly (roughly before the first payment of the borrower), you can exit the loan for free. However, the usual case is that you want to exit after some time has passed. Then you need to pay a 0.5% of the outstanding loan sum in order to exit the loan quickly.
    719 days ago
  • canythould43
    100% of the loans on Moncera are secured with a 30-day buyback guarantee. The buyback guarantee means that in case the borrower is more than 30 days delayed on the payment schedule, the loan originator is obligated to immediately buy back the loan. The loan originator will have to pay for both the invested principal and the accrued interest from the period the loan was held by the investor.
    719 days ago
  • canythould43
    Moncera is a P2P investment site that was established in 2020 to fund the loans of international lending group Placet Group. Moncera is located in Tallin, Estonia, and is regulated by the Estonia Financial Intelligence Unit. Moncera was founded by two former members of the Placet Group management team. Previously, Placet Group had used Mintos as a P2P funding source. Placet Group loans can still be found at Mintos. The interest rates offered for Placet Group loans at Mintos are now lower than can be found at Moncera.
    719 days ago
While the buyback guarantee is being honored, active investors who invested in Moncera's real estate projects reported that the buyback guarantee isn't being initiated as expected.
Last replied by canythould43 on Saturday, 31 December 2022