Uploaded By: canythould43. Added on: 05 February 2019.
Yann Murciano (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yann-murciano-1798b917/), CEO of Blend Network (https://blendnetwork.com/), a niche peer to peer property lending platform and former head of Morgan Stanley’s metal trading for 10 years. Speaking at our FinTech Open Mic Night in London on the 14th November 2018: https://www.meetup.com/NewFinance/events/251639632/ Thank you to our partner: Grow (https://www.brownejacobson.com/startups/grow) by Browne Jacobson, is a legal support programme exclusively for startups. It is carefully tailored for companies at any stage of the startup journey and provides you with a Grow adviser who is fully immersed in your sector. Our FinTech advisers provide expert legal advice on the unique challenges that FinTech businesses face, as well as facilitating introductions within our network of industry and investment contacts.
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