How to Lend Through P2P Lending Platforms (Europe)

Everyone has ever dreamed of having high income from work or business, a secure family and money aside. If you look around and look for an investment to help you achieve long-term financial health, investing in P2P loans can be an interesting way for young and middle-aged European investors.


Real estate investments should be at the top of the priorities when it comes to investing money. Real estate is one of the safest ways to invest money, and it helps fight inflation. Real estate can also provide passive monthly income by investing in rental properties.

In addition, the risks associated with real estate are quite small compared to equities or bonds. However, this business niche also has its cons. the main disadvantage is that investing in real estate requires big capital.


With the bull market beginning to show signs of fatigue and markets starting to discount the risk of a slowdown across major economies in 2019, here we'll explain what that means for peer-to-peer (P2P) markets and how lenders can position themselves to hedge.

Typically, periods of equity sell-off and market volatility tend to see a flight to safety in bonds and more traditional vanilla products. This time though, after more than two years of steadily rising interest rates, we believe that 2019 could mark the peak in US treasury yields for the current business cycle meaning that the road ahead is likely to be bumpy.


P2P Lending vs Stocks and Bonds

Peer-to-peer lending, or most-commonly known as P2P lending, is a financing method that matches individuals and businesses who need to borrow money with others who want to invest their money without the need for any financial institution as an intermediary at an agreed fixed interest rate.


Changing the World through Peer-to- Peer Lending

As an investor, if you have cash that you wish to invest you have a number of options, including savings accounts, bonds or riskier investments like stock markets or complicated derivatives. More on that you can see on Globe Funder but here, let's focus on P2P investments.


Transparency: The Cornerstone of P2P Lending

Transparency is something that the financial service sector has long been lacking. In fact, peer-to-peer lending rose to prominence on the back of a loud public call for more transparency and less corporate greed. Traditional P2P marketplace lending has transparency at its core.
